DAI 2020 - Accepted Papers

Best Paper Award

Feifei Lin, Xu He, and Bo An. Context-Aware Multi-Agent Coordination with Loose Couplings and Repeated Interaction.

Full Papers

ID2 Sam Ganzfried, Conner Laughlin and Charles Morefield. Parallel Algorithm for Nash Equilibrium in Multiplayer Stochastic Games with Application to Naval Strategic Planning.
ID6 Li Ning and Yong Zhang. LAC-Nav: Collision-Free Multiagent Navigation Based on The Local Action Cells.
ID7 Haotian Fu, Hongyao Tang, Jianye Hao, Wulong Liu and Chen Chen. MGHRL: Meta Goal-generation for Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning.
ID12 Chao Yu, Yinzhao Dong and Hongwei Ge. D3PG: Decomposed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient for Continuous Control.
ID17 Qingrui Zhang, Hao Dong and Wei Pan. Lyapunov-Based Reinforcement Learning for Decentralized Multi-Agent Control.
ID18 Roi Yehoshua and Christopher Amato. Hybrid Independent Learning in Cooperative Markov Games.
ID25 Ziniu Li and Xiong-Hui Chen. Efficient Exploration by Novelty-Pursuit.
ID26 Feifei Lin, Xu He and Bo An. Context-aware Multi-Agent Coordination with Loose Couplings and Repeated Interaction.
ID28 Yanchen Deng, Zongmin Qiu, Yong Wang, Yinghui Xu and Bo An. Battery Management for Automated Warehouses via Deep Reinforcement Learning.