
DAI 2020 is a virtual conference. Participation channels of DAI 2020 have three options:

1. ZOOM online meeting room. Since the ZOOM room can accommodate up to 100 attendees, participants to ZOOM online meeting need a registeration.

  • In this channel, participants can attend all sessions, and ask questions in the Q/A time.

2. Virtual conference venue Justice provided by NetEase. This virtual conference system can accommodate up to 260 people. Participants to this immersive online meeting need a registeration.

  • In this channel, participants can attend all sessions, ask questions in the Q/A time, talk to other attendees concurrently in the virtual conference venue, and customize personal avatar services, with an immersive experience.
  • Poster session is to be held only in this channel, where participants can look around and talk to the authors via voice group chat. Please find the instructions to the virtual conference venue (audience version, speaker version).
  • 国内参会者推荐使用此渠道参与线上会议(虚拟会场参会说明:观众版讲师版)。

3. Live streams in Bilibili. This channel is open to everyone without registration.

  • In this channel, the audience can participate all conference sessions but no Q/A time.
  • In Bilibili: Hall 1, Hall 2, Poster.