Welcome to DAI 2024, Dec 18-22, 2024, SINGAPORE

The aim of the Distributed AI (DAI) conference is to serve as a collaborative platform that brings together researchers and practitioners from various fields, including general AI, multi-agent systems, distributed learning, and computational game theory. By providing a high-profile and internationally renowned forum, DAI facilitates research in both the theory and practice of distributed AI.

In order to maximize the benefits of face-to-face interactions, the Sixth DAI conference has chosen a pure format of offline in-person participation. This decision reflects the organizers' commitment to creating an environment conducive to deep engagement, networking, and knowledge exchange among attendees.


Conference date: Dec 18-22, 2024

Keynote Speakers

Sergey Levine

Associate Professor, UC Berkeley


Georgios Piliouras

Research Scientist, Google DeepMind


Richard S. Sutton

Professor, University of Alberta


Dr. Shuicheng Yan

Managing Director of Kunlun 2050 Research and Co-CEO of Skywork AI, Singapore
